Week of 09 Jul 2023

“The weapons…they’re stuck!”

Achievements Earned In:

- Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition

Pretty much only scored in Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition this week, progressing from the end of Chapter 8 into the penultimate Chapter 9. These have been much easier so far, with the miscellaneous achievements coming on my first attempt each time. I don’t know, not a whole lot more to say. I’m very much taking my sweet time and stretching this out until my achievement hunting fire comes back.

Achievements unlocked: 83 (+8) | Completion: 87%

Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition screenshot

I’m trying to stay undetected but these Tenebraen tacos are really messing me up.

Highest ratio: 2.20

Gralean medal of distinction (Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition)

Lowest ratio: 2.00 (tie)

Into the Arctic Crevasse (Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition)
End of Days (Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition)

as of 16 Jul 2023 @ 13:21 CDT


Week of 16 Jul 2023


Week of 02 Jul 2023