Week of 07 Jan 2024

“In this bottle is a firewall for your mind. Man.”

Achievements Earned In:
- Watch Dogs
- Disney Dreamlight Valley
- LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues
- Race Pro

Well, I made what progress I could in Watch Dogs this week, which was a sizeable bit. I polished off the last few Criminal Convoys and then, after completing the first mission of Act 3, went and completed the Investigations I still had left. And…then I ran into my first issue of the week: even though I have it on video of it unlocking and it showed as unlocked in the game’s menu, it was glitched and not truly unlocked. But, for now, figured I’d wait. Next it was time to start getting through the rest of the story, which, like any Ubisoft game, is so much easier now that I had all the upgrades and unlocks. With only a few miscellaneous achievements left, the final challenge (in the offline base game) was to outdrink three people around Chicago. You take a shot, then have to either line-up the sticks in circles that are moving in various ways or such, or move a circle over letters and press the corresponding button. I’d heard this was by far the hardest achievement in the game, and it had been the deciding factor in my playing it sooner or later. Well… god dang it, if those servers don’t come back up and I end up with unobtainables on my ‘tag because I waited, I’m gonna be so mad; this game was so easy! I cleared the challenges with very little issue, and as always I started on the hardest difficulty so quickly knocked out the rest once I’d cleared that hurdle. Even odder, the hardest level of the Extreme Drinking Contest by far was level 6. It almost got easier after that! Then it was time to start the DLC.

But, that didn’t happen. I mean, I played the first DLC mission (more of the same, just as a different character), but then I thought I’d try to get the glitched achievement I had fixed, which is typically done by deleting and redownloading your profile and re-earning the achievement. Easy. But, after I’d done that first part, I couldn’t play my game anymore! It would just pop up an error saying I needed to login as the profile that purchased the game. Which I did. Back in 2016. Logging in on my Xbox 360 console that has the licenses attributed to it I found my other profiles can play with zero issue, but when I’d load up Fire Hawk it still gave the same error! This is officially a pretty massive glitch somewhere, so I called Microsoft and they’ve opened an investigation into the matter. Guess we’ll see how that pans out, but for now this is on the backburner.

Achievements unlocked: 33 (+13) | Completion: 67%

Just a little bit of doom-scrolling.

Hey, no accidents this time! Disney Dreamlight Valley shows up on this blog on purpose this time, because I finally unlocked the final two Dreamlight Duties and could then go through alllll those notifications I’ve been ignoring for a year and clear them out, getting my achievements! Really wish I hadn’t screwed this up periodically over time because all of the achievements occurring at once would have been epic. Alas. So, this game was so chill and fun. There’s zero skill required (eh, maybe minor for the fishing timing) and everything just requires time. But, hey, that’s just fine by me because it was fun decorating, collecting stuff, and just vibing in this Disney land. I was so impressed, and even purchased the expansion that came out in December. There aren’t even any achievements! It’s by far the best Animal Crossing-like I’ve played, and I’m gonna kinda miss playing it every day to clear out the night thorns for the longest achievement/duty. When I got close this week, I also had to start grinding out the 1.8k fish I needed to catch, too, which I was no where close to done with. Done and done on Monday!

What do you mean “play it for fun”? That’s… not a thing. It’s over. Go home.

Achievements unlocked: 15 (+12) | Completed

Alright, gang. We need to labor for achievements!

Popped into LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues on Friday after Watch Dogs stopped working. Managed to get through the first two parts of the Crystal Skull storyline. It’s… a LEGO game. Not much to say here. Already regretting starting another one of these, but I only have a few left that I own. Would love to get them all completed.

Achievements unlocked: 3 (+1) | Completion: 8%

Since I got locked out of the game I was working on, I guess I’ll just move right on into Race Pro for reals. I only started this in the first place because it’s overall a fairly easy completion; it’s just very grindy. You have to complete a few races in Professional for a handful of achievements, but otherwise you can just play them all on Novice (easy) with all the assists turned on. This is squarely a simulation racer, so no fun drifting or powerups or anything. Just slow and cautious driving on the same 7 tracks over and over again. There are some online achievements to get through, too, and you can bet that’s high on the priority list after what Ubisoft did to me in that other game! I mostly worked through a few levels of the Career mode, then went and completed a championship on Professional, which was rage-tastic (for me). I thought completing that would also unlock the achievements for completing each course on Pro too, but it did not so I have to play through them each again for those. Blah.

Achievements unlocked: 14 (+7) | Completion: 28%

What does a 1-turn mean, guys?!

Highest ratio: 5.24

Social Lubricant (Watch Dogs)

Lowest ratio: 1.06

Photographer (Disney Dreamlight Valley)

as of 14 Jan 2024 @ 18:29 CST


Week of 14 Jan 2024


Week of 31 Dec 2023